V&V - Computer Modelling Validation and Verification
SimPad – Simulation Notepad - text editor with macro processing, Python scripting and batch simulation solvers execution SimPad program has several editions: SimPad Basic - fully featured edition of the program without restrictions SimPad Mini - fully functional edition of the program on the number of processed elements: - text file lines number - no more than 100 - macro variables - no more than 5 - data files number - no more than 3 - simulations number in bath processing - no more than 3 SimPad program has several distribution bandles: regular - only SimPad program, nothing more. Combo - program with a additional set of sample projects and open source solvers for them, to demonstrate features of the workflow and simulations handlers with processors and postprocessors setup
Documentation SimPad User Guide
 SimPad_user_guide_1_en_.01.09.2024.pdf587.03 KB09.09.202421:03:42
Disribution "SimPad 1.0 Mini" Installer
 simPad_Mini_Setup_40906.exe18.44 MB08.09.202421:33:28
"SimPad 1.0 Mini Combo Installer The setup include several samples and open source solvers for them - GMSH - mesh generator for finite elements analysis - NIST FDS - fire dynamics simulation - fields model - NIST CFAST - fire dynamics simulation - zone model
 simPad_Mini_Combo_Setup_40906.exe133.75 MB08.09.202421:35:32
Buy Buy "SimPad 1.0 Basic Combo" for Windows 10, 11 x64